What are the differences between Virtual Physiotherapy vs. In-Person Physiotherapy?

What is virtual care physiotherapy and how does it work?

Virtual care physiotherapy is a digital emulation of in-person physiotherapy using audio-video conferencing technology as a medium for communication. For those affected by chronic pain, stiffness, or muscle tightness during or after COVID-19, Virtual Physiotherapy is an alternative way to continue treatment from the comfort of your home. Virtual Physiotherapy is also a popular alternative for those who are unable to attend in-person clinic appointments for any number of reasons.

Picture Credit provided to Jane App

Picture Credit provided to Jane App

At Myofascial Release Mississauga, once you sign-up for an appointment through our Jane App (you can do this by clicking the “Book Now” button on our website), you will be sent a confirmation link to your appointment session. Through the instructions provided, you will be able to conference-in at your appointment time to begin or resume treatment with your registered physiotherapist. All video conferencing is conducted through a private and secure server to protect your information.

Please note, any documentation that you will need to review and complete prior to your appointment will be sent over virtually in advance of your appointment.

If during your session, you or your registered physiotherapist feel that electronic communication is limiting the effectiveness or quality of your treatment, we will arrange an in-person appointment for when our clinic re-opens and it is safe to proceed.

What is the difference between virtual appointments and in-person appointments?

While manual treatment is not possible in virtual physiotherapy, your physiotherapist will still be able to discuss your current and ongoing treatment plan to help advise on exercises for your recovery. We have developed ways to teach you self-treatment techniques through demonstration and use of your own hands in place of ours, or other implements, to address areas of fascial restriction.

Overall, virtual care physiotherapy and in-person physiotherapy are largely the same. As with in-person services, our registered physiotherapists are still required to meet the same regulatory & legislative requirements while also adhering to their respective Practice and Code of Conduct.

Your treatment care will continue to focus on your recovery with your physiotherapist working directly with you to assess treatment and exercise options to help you in your recovery and rehabilitation.

In fact, there are several advantages to virtual physiotherapy appointments that may be preferred by some patients, including: 

·        Increased accessibility without geographical restrictions

·        Reduced mobility barriers

·        Reduce travel time to and from appointments while still receiving quality care

·        Virtual “in-home” assessment of your environment and it’s unique challenges

Are there limitations to virtual care physiotherapy versus in-person physiotherapy?

Unfortunately, by virtue of virtual communication, we are not able to provide manual treatment during your physiotherapy session. However, our work to provide rehabilitation and treatment for your injuries will maintain as we guide you through exercises and your tailored treatment plan. Essentially your hands now become our hands! 

Lastly, please note that there are inherently some risks when using ECT technologies (electronic communication technologies). However, we adhere to all regulatory and legislative requirements and respective Standards of Practice & Code of Conduct during virtual treatment as with in-person services. 

What do I need to access an appointment? 

To access your physiotherapy appointment you’ll need a Smartphone (Android or iPhone), Laptop, or Tablet (ex. iPad)  with a built-in camera and microphone. As well, you’ll require a stable internet connection with access to an internet browser.

Is virtual care for physiotherapy covered by my insurance/health benefits?

Currently, many extended health insurance companies are providing coverage for virtual care physiotherapy. To understand if your treatments will be covered, please inquire with your benefits provider to discover additional details about your coverage limits for virtual care.

Picture Credit provided to Jane App

Picture Credit provided to Jane App

How can I book an appointment?

To book an appointment, you may call us directly at 289-529-0309, or click below to visit our booking page:

What is included in an initial assessment over virtual physiotherapy?

 If you are beginning treatment with Myofascial Release Mississauga, your physiotherapist will review your intake form, medical history, concerns, and current status. 

This will be used to help create your treatment plan, as with in-person initial assessments. Your initial assessment will overall follow the same form and function as an in-person physiotherapy assessment.  You will be asked to perform different tasks, movements and use your hands to palpate or feel to identify areas of restriction. These movements are easily achieved and give us valuable information to create your treatment plan.

How much does virtual care physiotherapy cost?

Myofascial Release Mississauga is currently offering a discount on virtual care services. Currently, you may book an initial assessment or treatment session for $30 off regular appointment pricing.

Click book now below to see rates and schedules:

How does virtual care protect my privacy?

In order to execute virtual care, we take great measures to ensure your appointments are conducted through a secure and encrypted connection. Your privacy is of utmost concern and we ensure that your treatment is both secure and private per regulations.

Are sessions recorded?

Myofascial Release Mississauga does not record the video nor audio of your virtual sessions.

What if there are technical difficulties during my session?

In the event of any technical difficulties, your physiotherapist will contact you through your provided phone number.

Should technical difficulties persist, we will work directly with you to reschedule your virtual care session as soon as possible.


Myofascial Release Mississauga Virtual Appointment Testimonials

I have been seeing Justin for a few years due to pain mgmt. for scoliosis & neck injury. He has helped me immensely & I am a convert to MFR. I even now incorporate it into the Pilates classes I teach. I was feeling desperate for a visit with the closures due to quarantine, so I decided to give a virtual appt a try. Justin was even able to help me virtually by providing self treatment techniques & tips! Amazing!!!

Working virtually with Justin has been great! Creating new routines of movement and stretching has been relieving me of my morning neck and head pains. I thought I was going to have to live with it while we all are in quarantine, but no! Luckily I met Nelin Krull who gave me insight on how it can change! A BIG Thank you to you both!! I can dance around my place again!!

New Protocols and How Our Clinic is Approaching Reopening


What is Myofascial Release?