Frequently Asked Questions

+ How is Myofascial Release different than Physiotherapy?

Myofascial Release is one of many techniques that our Physiotherapists utilize to address the connective tissue network of the body called the Fascia. It will be included in your Physiotherapy treatments to resolve fascial restrictions that create painful pressure on underlying muscle, bone, vascular and nervous tissues.

+ How many treatments does it take to see improvement?

Many of our patients report a change in their symptoms in the form of pain relief or changes in mobility within hours of their first session due to changes in connective tissue tension, relieving bracing patterns and the release of the body’s own anti-inflammatories that occurs during Myofascial Release treatment. Full resolution of symptoms typically takes 4-6 weeks of regular treatment and self care as prescribed and up to 6 months depending on the severity of the injury. Client’s suffering from chronic conditions sometimes choose to schedule regular ongoing appointments to maintain their results.

+ Should I expect pain after a treatment?

The treatment itself may elicit some deep stretching therapeutic discomfort. Pain after treatment is not typical, however, it is common to feel a little sore as if you had done exercise. On rare occasions, this post treatment soreness is more intense but doesn’t last beyond 48 hours.

+ Is Myofascial Release the same as Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)?

No. While the intended goal for using these techniques may be the same, Myofascial Release utilizes a gentle sustained pressure approach to allow fascial restrictions to release and therefore glide freely again. Under the Myofascial Release school of thought, Fascia does not “stretch” or “lengthen”, rather it moves free from restriction.

+ Are treatment sessions covered by Insurance?

Physiotherapy & Acupuncture are widely covered through many private and extended health benefits. Other services we provide such as movement therapy classes and workshops may be eligible for reimbursement through Health Spending Accounts. We will provide you with an invoice to submit to your insurance provider, however payments for services are due at the time of rendering. We do not bill directly to insurance providers.

+ Where can I find parking?

Parking is on-site and free! Overflow parking can be found on the adjacent Victoria Street.

+ Is your clinic Accessible for wheelchairs and strollers?

Yes! The building has an outdoor ramp, automatic doors, an elevator, and we have an accessible washroom in our clinic with a baby change-table.

+ What is your Cancellation Policy?

Clients will be charged 100% of the appointment fee for cancelled or missed appointments without 48 hours notice of their scheduled appointment. If clients arrive late they will receive the remainder of the time scheduled but will still be responsible for payment in full.

+ What is your Refund Policy for classes/workshops?

A refund will be issued to clients who are deemed not appropriate by the instructor for the skill level of the class the client has paid for. Classes sold as a series are non-refundable, however in the case of unforeseen circumstances, clients may receive one (1) make-up class in the next available series of the same class. Classes sold as passes must be used within 60 days of purchase after which point remaining value will be forfeited. Workshops are non-refundable.

+ What types of payment do you accept?

We accept Debit, Credit and E-transfers currently.

+ Can I receive treatment for injuries sustained from a motor vehicle accident or a workplace injury?

Yes; However Myofascial Release Mississauga is not registered with HCAI or WSIB so we will not complete any requested forms or direct bill these organizations and will only be able to provide progress reports or basic workplace specific Functional Abilities Forms upon your request during scheduled treatment time. All fees are due at the time of service and are the responsibility of the client.

+ Do I need a referral or prescription to start treatment?

No. You do not require a referral to see any of our practitioners, however your insurance company may require one to submit claims. Please check with your provider.

If you are looking to book an appoint for one of our other services, please review our policies. Click here