Acupressure Points to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Please note, the following recommendations are not a substitute for treatments.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a strong focus on being a preventative form of medicine. It consists of various treatments such as Gua Sha, Cupping therapy and Acupuncture — all services we offer at our Mississauga clinic. 

In one of the original texts about Traditional Chinese Medicine, called The Yellow Emperor, there is a quote that reads “a Doctor who treats disease after it has happened is a mediocre Doctor… a Doctor that treats a disease before it happens is a superior Doctor”.

We are all looking for as many ways as possible to prevent ourselves from getting sick and how to boost our immune systems. One more way to stay healthy is: ACUPRESSURE! Acupressure therapy works similarly to Acupuncture, by regulating the nervous system and promoting the self-healing abilities within the body.

There are certain acupressure points located in the body that have the function of boosting your immunity in Chinese Medicine. It is said that they strengthen your “defensive Qi energy”, which makes your body stronger to fight off external pathogens. 

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#1 Stomach 36

Being that it is part of the Stomach channel, this point has a strong function of regulating digestion. In Chinese Medicine, the digestive system is at the centre of your overall health, so it makes sense that stimulating this point will help strengthen all the Qi energy in your body.

It is located three finger widths below your kneecap and one width lateral your shin bone, at the high point of the muscle when your foot is flexed.

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#2 Large Intestine 4

Large Intestine 4 is known as the “Command Point of the Face”, which means stimulating this point can benefit all the sense organs located on your face (eyes, nose & mouth). The large intestine channel is paired with the lung channel so it can also help strengthen the function of your lungs, which will help your fight off any invading pathogens.

It is located between the base of your thumb and index finger at the highest point of the muscle when you squeeze your thumb and index fingers together.

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#3 Liver 3

The liver channel has a strong relationship with the wind element. In Chinese Medicine, pathogens enter the body through wind, so stimulating this point can be beneficial at preventing wind from entering the body. Also, when Liver 3 is paired with Large Intestine 4, they promote the circulation of Qi energy & blood throughout the whole body, which helps regulate & boost the immune system.

It is located in the depression on your foot between your big & second toe. Slide your finger from the web margin towards your ankle and you will find the depression before you hit the base of the bones.


Set aside some time 2-3 times per day to give yourself an acupressure treatment. This could be in the morning when you wake up, while you're reading or watching tv, while meditating or before you go to bed. Basically, anytime you find yourself sitting or laying for a period of time. 

The location of acupressure points are not the exact same on every person, but in general you will know you’ve found the right spot when it feels tender to the touch.  Once you have found the point, you can press or massage for anywhere from 10 seconds to a couple minutes, as long as it doesn’t become uncomfortable. 


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