How To: Use Your Self-Treatment Ball
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a tool to help you relieve aches and pains anytime you need it!
Why use the Myofascial Release Ball?
Unlike other balls on the market made for tennis, acupressure, or massage; the construction allows for your body to soften into the pressure of the ball, rather than resist against it which can create more pain
Lightweight and easy to take with you on the go, whether you will be on a long flight or road trip, the ball can help relieve aches and pains while away from home as well
Your treatment ball is filled with air so you can adjust the firmness to your liking with a simple bicycle pump
What can you use the ball for?
Use the ball to gently release fascial restrictions almost anywhere in the body where you feel tension, pain or heat/vibration, commonly thought of as “trigger points”
Regular self-care with the ball helps prevent injury and allows you to feel more comfortable in your body overall
Changing your body position for the application of self care is a great way to limit the impact of habitual sitting/standing patterns on your body after a long day
Limiting distractions while using the ball and focusing inwards on the sensation and how it feels is one example of a mindful movement practice which will support a feeling of control in your recovery from aches and pains while alleviating both physical and mental stress
Follow these steps to get started:
Find a comfortable spot without distractions to lay down on your floor or on a yoga mat
Start with a body scan; close your eyes, quiet your mind and breathe deeply. Where does your body feel tension, pain or heat/vibration?
Place your ball in the spot you have identified between yourself and the floor or wall (or corner of the wall if doing an upper traps release)
Without effort or force, allow the weight of your body to create the pressure needed to achieve fascial release
Once you have found the right spot, evaluate whether the pressure is right. If it’s too intense, move your body to the left/right so you feel the pressure at the very edge of your sore spot and gradually work your way back towards this spot as you feel the release OR put a pillow between you and the ball
Hold each release AT LEAST 5-10 minutes! This is where the magic happens. You can play music or set a timer to help you spend adequate time in each spot
You may move yourself relative to the ball to follow your pain/tension (as it may feel like it shifts or move slightly in the vicinity of the ball) as the release occurs, but do not start another spot until you have held the release long enough (a melt sensation in the 5-10 minute range)
Repeat as needed, and download our FREE Myofascial Ball Self-Treatment Guide to get more tips on using the ball!
Get your FREE Myofascial Ball Self-Treatment Guide
This printable and digital friendly guide showcases different ways to use your new Myofascial Ball with diagrams and step-by-step instructions created by the professionals at Myofascial Release Mississauga