Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy


Massage Therapy provided by Registered Massage Therapists is widely used an effective pain relief treatment for individuals suffering from various conditions, but did you know about the profound effect it can have on mental health and wellness?

At this time of year, the holidays can add stress and anxiety for many people and coupled with the isolation we feel from the COVID-19 quarantine, plus the wintery weather, the mental health of the public at large is of great concern. With less sunlight, social interaction, and the pressure to figure out a safe holiday celebration while getting all of your shopping done during a lockdown, it is not surprising that people are looking for ways to relieve their stress and anxiety.

Myofascial Release Mississauga’s registered massage therapists are ready to help! Studies have shown that regular massage reduces stress and anxiety, increases emotional resilience, and even generates feelings of overall well-being for anxious individuals.

How does massage therapy accomplish this? Scientists suggest these benefits of massage are likely created by increased activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (the “rest & digest” system) that works to calm the mind during times of stress. It also likely causes changes in EEG activity and reduction in blood cortisol levels (the stress hormone).

It can help alleviate stress for patients suffering from chronic moderate anxiety but also for people who are struggling with added stress from work or are anticipating new life challenges.

The added benefit of seeing a registered massage therapist from Myofascial Release Mississauga is the training and skill they possess in the John Barnes Myofascial Release approach. Our RMTs can help alleviate your stress and anxiety while helping improve your pain in a more lasting way. It is especially effective for patients suffering from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia or patients who have had traumatic experiences. Myofascial release helps to address the emotional component of trauma we store in our bodies.

We all know the link between mental health and chronic pain, and the need for gentle and tailored treatment who experience this. We are proud to offer this treatment to these individuals and to those who are newly experiencing a decline in their mental wellness and noticing the physical symptoms that come up from it.

Click here to learn more about our registered massage therapists and book here to grab an evening or weekend appointment at your convenience.



Anxiety: The Integrative Mental Health Solution, by James Lake MD

Massage Therapy Research Review, Field 2014


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