How Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Looks at Lower Back Pain
In the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pain is caused by a lack of “qi” energy and blood flow in the body. This lack of “qi” and blood flow can be due to a deficiency, meaning there isn’t enough “qi” and blood flowing, or stagnation, which is a blockage of “qi” and blood flow. The blockage can be caused by external elements (cold or damp) entering the body or by trauma to the body, in the form of overuse or an acute injury.
Is your back pain worse in cold, rainy, or damp weather? That means your sore back is caused by external elements invading the body and causing a blockage of qi and blood flow. By nature, cold is constricting and dampness is heavy and sticky. These elements can easily invade the body when our external defence (immune system) is weakened and we are overly exposed to cold & damp weather or environments. The common symptoms you would see with this pattern are lower back pain occurring after exposure to cold & damp or worse on rainy days, a heavy or cold sensation, stiffness of the muscles in the lower back region, limited movement of flexion or extension, or pain that radiates down the legs.
Are you older in age, suffering from chronic, dull, and achy lower back pain?
Lower back pain is a primary symptom that occurs when the kidney organ system is deficient in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, due to the fact that the kidneys reside in the lumbar region. Kidney qi is slowly depleting as we age. The more effort we put into keeping our bodies healthy (through diet and lifestyle choices), the slower the kidney qi will deplete. That being said, the depletion is inevitable, which means that kidney qi deficient back pain is more common in the elderly. The common symptoms that may occur are: subtle onset of lingering pain and soreness that is worse with activity and better with rest, as well as weakness in the loins and knees. Other general qi deficiency signs are lassitude and fatigue, poor appetite, bloating, loose stools, pallor, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
Is your back pain acute, fixed in location and possibly due to an injury?
This is the most common cause of lower back pain: trauma due to a sprain or contusion. This type of lower back pain is caused by an injury or overuse that has causes qi and blood in the meridians to become blocked and stagnate which results in pain. The quality of the pain is normally fixed in a specific location and can be achy or sharp, causing rigidity in the muscles. The pain becomes worse with pressure and turning the body.
No matter what the pattern is that is causing the back pain, the main goal in treatment is to get the qi and blood flowing in the meridians that flow down your back. This will provide some relief for your back pain. This is done by choosing acupoints that are located on your back, specifically in areas that are more tender or painful, along with distal points that coincide to your specific diagnosis. Cupping therapy can also be very beneficial to start the treatment to release built-up tension in the muscles and start the flow of qi and blood.