How Grounding & Earthing Can Help You Heal
Written by Nelin Krull, Registered Physiotherapist & Evan Costello, Co-op Student
Can you remember the last time you made physical contact with the Earth? Not just a tree or shrub, but right at ground level; walking barefoot in the grass, feeling sand between your toes, or digging deep into the soil of your garden bed with your hands…didn’t it feel so calming?
There’s something to that feeling of calm and it has become a ritual for many people to help with their overall well being and healing journeys.
Bare skin contact with the Earth is referred to as Earthing or Grounding.
Did you know that the earth has its own electromagnetic field and so does your body? The earth has a core of iron which creates an electromagnetic field strong enough to repel solar radiation and preserve our atmosphere.
The Earth’s core acts as one large magnet, creating an electromagnetic field.
Our bodies are pliable and soft tissue, but some structures behave as more solid trusses and others as more elastic springs and guide wires maintaining a homeostatic/homeostable distribution of loads and pressures (biotensegrity). The fascia of the body are hollow, hydrophilic (water loving) tubules reaching into the nucleus of every cell are believed to conduct light energy, vibration, and sound.
This fascial system is a pre-tensioned system living in a gravitational field (Thank you again earth!) which means that regular pressures from walking, moving, and living in that gravity creates the same piezoelectric (pressure electricity) effects in our tissues seen with prolonged holds and pressures in sustained pressure Myofascial Release treatment. Electrons cross cell membranes with these pressures, and this flow not only generates the electrical field but is the means by which the fascia is able to communicate the body's needs to keep you alive. This communication is vital.
Electric signal conduction within our bodies is vital to our survival.
Grounding is a practice which uses the natural energy (electromagnetic field) of the earth to connect with your natural energy field through bodily contact with the ground. The connection of the earth's energy field to your own is believed to stabilize your physiology at the deepest level, meaning it can reduce inflammation, pain, stress, and improve blood flow, energy, and sleep. With respect to our Myofascial Release practice, it is in perfect alignment with the goals our clients set for themselves and adds to the benefits they already receive from treatment with us.
Grounding is thought to work by reconnecting the conductive human body to the natural surface charge of the earth which is supposed to influence the bioelectric field of the human body and all systems within it.
Though the research is limited, there are multiple studies that have shown measurable physiological change in subjects who use grounding regularly for muscle recovery and cardiovascular health. And further benefits have been noted for mental health by subjective rating after repeated use of this technique.
One can’t deny the simplicity of this technique and economical price tag for something so potentially beneficial. It’s completely free and accessible to anyone, with no downside.
Ready to try it? Here’s how:
Find an area outdoors with a large amount of greenspace, either grass, dirt, or rocks that is clean and free from litter or any potentially harmful critters.
Walk or stand barefoot on the natural ground and allow your body to feel the nature around it.
Too cold? Do this indoors with a Grounding mat to replicate the effects of Earthing. This product connects to the grounding port of a normal 3 prong plug to connect you to the Earth’s conduction.
It is recommended to spend about 30 minutes or more in contact with the Earth or your mat per session as often as you like.
Be sure to take note of any changes you notice in your body as you continue with the practice; Are you sleeping better? Feeling less stressed?
Here are some local parks and gardens that you can try this out close to Myofascial Release Mississauga:
Streetsville Showcase Garden (where we host our outdoor yoga classes)
Have you tried it? Let us know!
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